I appreciate your efforts and I think you have the right attitude. Keep fighting the good fight!

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This is good stuff and gets me going on a day that I'm sick as a dog. I feel like things will move in the culture soon, and I want to be there. So close to getting my book ready for pub... and having worked myself into Twitter for a few months I feel that it's natural to promote my mutuals as I promote myself. Sorry you have moochers coming in making demands. Can't help but feeling that some are just awkward marketers, but some are lazy and it will show in their writing. Good luck!

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I suppose you know you've had some small degree of impact when moochers come along for a piece of the pie. If a community's standards are clearly-defined, it will generally police itself. Those looking to bandwagon rather than create within the framework of its ethos will most likely show themselves the door.

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