Rob it sounds like you had a great and well deserved long weekend. I'm glad to hear it bro!

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I'd like longer, honestly.

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You deserve it man! You've put out how many books this year? Not to mention helped guide a plethora of other indies towards the light. You've given marketing advice, created a gathering place for us all, and fed us kickass stories along the way. You don't owe us anything bro! I just want you to know that we appreciate the hell out of you!

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I greatly appreciate it, and that's honestly what keeps me pushing thru the more difficult spots. 3 books this year (so far). After this next one, I think I'm going to lighten up a bit, as I feel that many readers need to catch up, and I feel like I'd benefit from easing up on the pressures I put myself under.

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Just yesterday I found myself reminding a friend of the importance of exactly what you just did. Breaks and time to recharge are an important part of the process. We need our heads to be clear so we can approach the more difficult portions of our stories with the freshest minds and eyes possible, lest we succumb to burnout.

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Yeah, I also needed to separate my mind from it to look at everything fresh. This is also why I am taking an extra day.

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