The Time Has Come for the Next Book's Title and Cover Reveal!
...the 2nd "Side Quest" in the "Barbarians of the Storm" series (and 8th book overall)!
It is nearly that time! Another Barbarians of the Storm book is nearing its release! The second Side Quest book in the series (and 8th, overall) is coming in just a few weeks. Maybe even sooner!
Devil Killer Fenrik is possibly the weirdest and most action heavy book I have ever written. The mood board teaser, which was created to whet the reader’s palate, showcases a strange mix of things, but all the images represent something in the story. This is also the real start of the age of darkness our heroes must fight through, as the final stretch of the saga is nearly here.
I figured that it was the right time to finally reveal the next book’s title and cover, as I am in the homestretch with writing it.
As I said, I’m shooting to have the book released in the next few weeks. If that changes, I will give an update, here. This Substack is a good place to stay up-to-date on all things Barbarians of the Storm and Talking Pulp Press related. Granted, my Twitter has become much better for this.
Now that you know it is coming very soon, that gives you time to either catch up on the other Barbarians of the Storm books or to re-read them!
The mood board teaser is below! BEHOLD!
I am so fuckin' stoked for this book!