I have cut waaay back on Substack posting, and that has a lot to do with cutting back on a lot of things that pull too much time away from writing the actual books. I still want to give updates here when there is significant progress or big announcements to make.
This past month has been rough. That has more to do with my real world job and all the bullshit that comes with it. Without getting too much into it, I could say that I am dealing with a massive level of burnout, but that doesn’t stop the bosses from piling more and more into my lap with impossible expectations. Still, I do it, because life is expensive now and the only options I am even open to anymore is a complete change in career path. For a long time, I have held the idea that creating for other people who don’t have the gift of creativity is a fool’s game and a waste of talent. Lately, that idea seems to be more and more true with each passing week and new things thrust upon me. Non-creatives don’t understand the process or even care about how it gets done. But this isn’t a bitchfest about my job, I say this just to illustrate some recent frustrations and creative roadblocks, as a whole.
I’ve still moved forward with the next book and the short story to end it is now written. I’m also done with the first two of three acts of the main story. This week, I’d like to start the proofing, editing, and beefing up process of the parts that are written. Once that’s done, I can move on to the third act and complete the next book.
While everyone has been pretty understanding about where I’m at and my process slowing down with this installment, it still makes me disappointed in myself that I am essentially moving at half the speed I have established with the seven previous novels.
On the positive side, I now live in a place that has been a lot better for my mental health. I have peace and quiet, I no longer share walls with anyone, and there is a peace I find in my small patch of woods that I could never get in a condo, apartment, or regular suburban neighborhood where houses sit on top of one another. The new place has had a lot of problems I’ve had to work through like an inherited bug infestation, leaks, and power/Internet issues. Most of those seem to be solved, though. This has also been a learning experience for me, as I consider buying my own RV down the road.
Over the last week, I have decided that I may add another book into the mix before I get to the end of the second big story arc with Book V. This book would feature the characters of Donnie Bronson and Alonzo Jackson (first seen in Fenrik 1984), and it would be set in a place very reminiscent of ‘80s cyberpunk anime. The book would also tie to the series as a whole and add extra context to the events I have planned for Book V. Maybe even most importantly, this new book would allow me to switch gears for a few months and scratch an itch I’ve had for awhile.
For now, that’s it. I don’t want to waste your time or anymore of my own. I just thought those who have stuck around, deserved to see me check in.