Books are HERE.
I am here to announce that all of the Barbarians of the Storm books in paperback are now less than $10! Why? Because fuck my royalties! Also, because fuck the tax man who has nothing to do with my moderate success yet wants to take his cut!
The reality is, I want to make profit off of my work. However, I don’t sell JK Rowling numbers and my financial gain from publishing my own books hasn’t made any sort of significant difference in my life. While I’ve sold hundreds of books, my royalties were already fairly low and with turbulent peaks and valleys from month to month, this hasn’t become a consistent and reliable source of extra income. Those peaks whenever a new book is released are nice, but they still don’t change my overall situation.
Being that my financial situation isn’t positively impacted that much, but what little I do make is negatively impacted by the tax man is pretty fucking demotivating. So again, fuck that guy!
At the end of the day, I am going to write stories anyway. I also want to share those stories with other people and on this journey, I have gained fans of my work. Honestly, the kind words and support from those who enjoy the Barbarians of the Storm books does more for me than a few hundred bucks (if I’m lucky) every couple of months.
I also always wanted to keep these pocket sized paperbacks as cheap as possible. However, with Amazon’s cut and my own royalties, it was hard keeping the books where I intended them to be, initially. Also, I learned a lot over time and saw the mistakes I had made, as well as others in my sphere, and was very adamant about knowing my value and the value of my series. I still stand by that, despite the price drop.
The thing is, I hope that this boosts interest in the Barbarians of the Storm series because I have much bigger plans for it beyond just the books. If this helps bring more people into the series and thus, it generates more fans, it may help those other projects come into fruition. In a way, this is sort of an experiment in that regard, and this was the main reason for me doing this. Even more so than protecting my blood from the tax vampires.
For now, Kindle prices are the same, as I would rather people spend just a couple dollars more for a paperback. Why? Because paperbacks are cooler and this series was partially born out of my love of the old school paperback pulps I used to read as a kid. I want to keep that spirit alive, and you should too! Also, physical book readers seem to be more invested in what they read and they also seem to be the best supporters. At least in my experience.